Your Thirties are the New Twenties...

This is my story of life and adventures after 30. Isn't 3o the new 20? Topics may include anything from dating and love to work and fitness to friends and family. It's my intent to brighten your day and make you smile and give you a glimpse into life of the thirty-something singleton. Perhaps it will inspire you to take a risk, try something new, make a change or just laugh out loud. My hope is to share with my readers my moments of truth, clarity, reflection and insight with a touch of wit and sarcasm thrown in for good measure.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Training for a Half Marathon (what was I thinking?!)

I'm interrupting my dating stories to start worrying about running and training for an upcoming half marathon in June in San Diego.  About a year ago I started signing up for triathlons and running events. Which, was actually a great thing to do.  My life is ruled by my calendar (aka blackberry) so once something gets in there, it happens and gives me something to work towards.  And it gave me a great workout and fitness goal. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mr. Send-Out-Cards...Adventures Before Online Dating

For most of my adult life I’ve been capable of meeting potential dates all on my own. While the results haven’t always been a huge success, as I reminisce over the past few dating experiences, they do seem to be a bit more appealing than online adventures. For the most part these dates and/or relationships lasted for more than one date. And some probably longer than they should have.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mr. Actually I'm Still Married...

As I get older the likelihood of finding someone who has never been married or who doesn't have kids -- gets slimmer and slimmer. I'm actually okay with that - I get it and understand it. But when I sign up for an online dating site -- my assumption is that you’re free to date and aren't married.  Apparently that's not always the case.